Our Member of the Month series will be a little different this time around, as we would like to take this opportunity to applaud all of our AHRF-supporting members that we’ve spotted using their hot rods “as intended” at the various nostalgia drag racing events this year. We are all lucky to be living in a time when events like the Antique Nationals, RPM Nationals, TROG/Flabob runway drags, and the Pinetree Jamboree, just to name a few, are an annual occurrence. We thank the organizers of these events for providing a portal to go back in time so we can all experience early hot rodding just as our heroes and pioneers did. It is a tremendously important aspect of what some folks call “traditional hot rodding”, as it makes our favorite pastime a living thing.
Of course, we’d also like to point out that these events wouldn’t exist without the support of enthusiasts who are willing to try their luck and test their machines on a race track. It is a great thing to see so many car owners letting it all hang out in their period-correct machines so that folks can see and hear real hot rods being driven in anger and we’re proud to say that this includes many of our supporting members. We’d like to name and thank just a few – Rob Manson, Augie Esposito, Mike Williams, Lou Stands, Russ Hare, Justin Baas, Mike Detwiler, Ron Cooper, Scott McCann, Bob Kenz, JD Massey, Tom and Diana Branch, Chris Eichert, Seth Hammond, Willy Wilcox, and Eli English.
Again, this is just a sampling of the many AHRF members that we’ve seen out on the track this year and we have a feeling we’ll see even more in 2024. Now enjoy some photos from these great events of 2023!

AHRF Supporting member Rick Hall may not have been making passes down the dragstrip in his wonderful, survivor, deuce roadster at this year’s RPM Nationals, but he definitely made the staging lanes look that much cooler by having his period-perfect bit of history right at track’s edge. We were pleased to be able to present our AHRF Team Choice award to Rick on that day and we thank him for being an early supporter of our work.

One of our favorite hot rodders and supporters of the AHRF is our good pal, Augie Esposito, seen here in the far lane at a recent TROG/Flabob airstrip event in his super cool, Cad-powered, ’40 Ford coupe. As Bruce Meyer once said about Augie,” He has the most impeccable taste.” We couldn’t have said it better, Big Bruce! Augie is one of those guys who was a hot rodder from birth and simply never stopped. This is one of the reasons we chose Mr Esposito as our AHRF Member of the Month back in August of 2021 ( click here to read Augie’s profile – https://ahrf.com/augie-esposito-august-2021-member-of-the-month/ ) . From his perfect ’32 roadster or ’32 3-window, to his stunning Vincent drag bike, Augie’s stuff is always “bitchin.” When we heard that Augie was taking his ‘50s Cad powered ’40 coupe out to the recent Pomona drag event to run the quarter, we were all ears to hear how the old girl would do. See, in classic Augie fashion, his Cadillac mill ain’t no run-of-the-mill mill. His is a mothballed relic from the 1950s that was intended for a full-race application that was never completed. So, it sat, wrapped in plastic, for decades until Augie came along and brought it to life. Topped with two fours, a lot of cylinder head work, and running a period Isky roller cam, the old Cad definitely makes a healthy sound. When unleashed, we were pleased to find that the old girl was knocking on the 13s at Pomona in the same state that Augie drives the car on any other day. That’s a damn respectable time and one that is as period-correct as any other aspect of what Augie does. Here we see him choosing off the Faruga pickup in his “Fordillac” at the inaugural TROG/Flabob airstrip drags back in late 2022.