We want to congratulate Coco Shinomiya on being this month’s AHRF Member of the Month! As an independent art director and graphic designer, Coco’s artistic gifts spread across many disciplines that include everything from record album cover art (she is a two time Grammy nominee), dust jacket design (Bob Dylan’s “Chronicles”), the co-authoring of the Taschen publication “Hot Rods and Custom Cars”, and countless other works while operating under her alias … “Monster X”.
The fact that Coco has two absolutely bitchin’ traditional hot rods makes her plenty cool in our book and her high-level eye for design is the reason that they’re so dead-nuts on! Although she oversaw and directed the build of both cars to her liking, we want to be sure to credit So-Cal Speed Shop for making her ’32 Tudor sit just right and behave on the road.

Her ’27 T roadster was something that came purely from her vision of the perfect roadster and was built into a roller by our friend Lynn Bird while the 241 Dodge was built by the legendary Dode Martin. The little roadster was finished-out by Kyle Phillips and (because Coco likes to drive her hot rods!) is used regularly by Coco in and around her native Los Angeles.
We thank Coco for her support of what we do here at The American Hot Rod Foundation and for demonstrating to the folks in her creative community that a ’32 Ford or T roadster should be considered art pieces just as much as any other fine work. Thank you, Coco, for flying the flag of hot rodding!